2010年8月29日 星期日

Echinothrix calamaris 83.8mm 環刺棘海膽

Echinothrix calamaris (Pallas, 1774)

Size - 83.8mm 

Family - Diadematidae冠海膽科

Locality - Pangandaran Bay, Indonesia 


Common name - stripe-spined urchin, banded sea urchin, hatpin urchin


Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm aboral view.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Apical sytem view.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Ooral view.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Detail of Oral view.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Detail back view of apical system.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Interambulacral zone, Lateral view.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Detail of Interambulacral zone

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Ambulacral zone, Lateral view.

Echinothrix calamaris  83.8mm Detail of Interambulacral zone↓


